Love Songs (Series Package)

Love Songs (Series Package)


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Sermon Series Overview 

Songs fill the airwaves with lyrics to inspire, seduce, romance, and stir desire. Love is advertised in HD-quality television and commercialized on larger than life billboards. Marketing firms have branded it as sex, and they know that it sells. Our modern culture is obsessed with it. History is full of it, and most books weave a plot with it. Our culture is flooded with images, portrayals, and stories of so-called “love” – from the nationalized stories of star athlete’s domestic violence to the $16 billion porn industry to global sex trafficking and slavery. We have a problem! The average American receives about 4,000 to 5,000 marketing messages a day and spends about 41 hours per week using technology such as cell phones, TV, video games, music, and the Internet. And the messages we’re receiving are pumped full of narcissistic, self-serving, abusive, overly sexualized, and fantastic views of love. So how are our beliefs and behaviors informed by our culture? How are they informed and transformed by God? How do the songs we hear and the messages we receive affect our views on love, marriage, dating, family, community, and how we treat others? Is your identify shaped more by the movies you watch or by what God says about you? Is how you view your sexuality based more on what our culture says you should be or who God created you to be? We need a new definition, example, and picture of love. We need something more stable, substantive, and long-lasting. The Bible doesn’t avoid these topics. God created, encouraged, and had a lot to say in His Word about romance, love, affection, marriage, and sex, as well as our individual sexuality. So in this series and study, we are examining the God of love and the way His love transforms our lives, our relationships, our homes, our communities, and quite possibly our world.