Our Culture
The LHCN is devoted to fostering an environment where authenticity, relationships, health, empowerment, and discipleship are taught, put into practice, and modeled over a period of time. Yet at the same time LHCN culture is what it is, not what we want it to be. LHCN culture seeks:
Christian leaders and churches must resist maintenance to pursue mission. We must choose ministry over management and faith-based risk over our need for playing it safe. Every ministry decision must be weighed based on how the outcome will advance or hinder our mission. Together, we are constantly aiming to make things better and stronger, so we can go further.
Our Cause is to build God’s Kingdom and to make a measurable difference for eternity. The local church exists to build and expand the church. We want to help the local church grow only if that leads to a net increase in the Church. Lifehouse churches invest into other leaders and churches, so God’s Kingdom grows both locally and globally. We aim to be a “best friend” to the church. Our motto, “It’s not about me!”
Leaders and partners are not expected to be super-human or super-Christian, nor should they be about the business of “fixing” other people, but instead they should face conflict and their own failures head-on. Our pastors and churches are real but not raw.
Since people (not projects or deadlines) are the heart of God and reason for ministry and outreach, they need individual care and attention. People must be heard and valued before they can be recruited or developed. Each church is about the “one.”
The expansion of God’s Kingdom and the growth of the Church can only be accomplished by God. But we do have a hand in its health and wellbeing in the way we invest and in addressing unhealthy or sinful practices. So, we are about the “one,” and “one more.”
Rather than being “paid” or “hired,” every person serving within a Lifehouse Network Church is a volunteer, and should find their motivation, calling and role in God-given giftedness. Though some are compensated for their work, LHCN’s goal is not to reward people with positions or paychecks or to distinguish sharply between the contributions of those who are compensated and those who are not. We believe, “It’s teamwork that makes the dream work.”
7. Releasing over Restricting:
LHCN seeks to send rather than keep, multiply rather than maintain, and be on mission rather than focus on one isolated ministry. This is our focus in order to reach the unchurch/de-churched with the gospel, so they become disciples. Our churches are permission-giving environments where we say “yes” to God-sized dreams and to God-led leaders.
8. Discipline over Birth-right:
No type of entitlement or amount of giftedness, whether natural or spiritual or both, can replace hard work and learning. We are not looking for leaders or partners who think that they lead through birthright. We identify, recruit, and develop leaders who understand that they must be faithful and highly committed to become the best possible version of the individual God created them to be. We live it before we lead it!